Wednesday, September 26, 2007

random musings...

Pain is not a cosmic joke, it isn't something unpleasant simply there to make our lives miserable. But rather, it is God's great gift to unwanted and unappreciated grace, but grace nonetheless.
note: if u are skeptical, grab a philip yancey book "Where is God When it Hurts?"
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Last year in our ethics class, we were assigned to report on the topic of human experimentation. What I discovered during the span of my research opened my eyes to many things, not the least of which is the capacity of human beings for cruelty. What unnerved me is that people are actually capable of such brutality toward their fellow humans! Now this may be because they are innately cruel, which I don't quite believe, or because they are just ignorant. Ignorant of what? Ignorant of the fact that each and every person has been painstakingly formed, molded, shaped and created in God's own image, which is why the Bible says "I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
just some things to contemplate on... =)

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