We held our Halloween at Therakids today, November 3, 2009 because it was postponed from last Saturday (Oct.31) due to the typhoon. It was not that grand, the preparations were almost last minute, and yet it was tons of fun nonetheless. :)

Decors were recycled from last year. Displayed on the tables
are the kids' artworks and the prizes given away.

Face painting done by their parents and caregivers.

Dough designing contest.
Can you guess which one is the winning piece? :p

Best in costume
The kids, parents/caregivers, and the teachers and staffs. :)
There were even prizes for best in costume for both the kids and teachers. There was also the most active kid award. Best in artwork (Macaroni Skeleton Man) was also awarded. All in all, it was a great halloween party and the kids had fun!
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