Dear reader,
Yes, YOU.
If you are living on this world, then you're probably like most people I know.
Skeptics, cynics, jaded by life on earth.
You probably think that if something's too good to be true, then it most likely is.
And if you've lived long enough, then you're probably part of the millions who experience the pain of living each day, or even of just surviving, barely.
You ask yourself, is this all there is to life?
Am I supposed to just go through each day as if being tortured, from birth to death, and then, nothingness?
Like others, you might have, at some point in your life, contemplated death.. of what it would be like to die and leave all these behind--the pain, the neglect, the past...everything.
It is unfortunately the life story of most of us. Why do you think so?
There seems to be something lacking from life that you can't quite pinpoint what.
Some may have strived and strived to reach that something you think will finally make you happy, but when you obtain it, it seems devoid of all joy.
True, you may feel happy, proud, and maybe even accomplished;
but at the end of the day, you crawl under the covers and no matter how much you deny it, you can't fool yourself--no amount of fame, wealth, power, honor, or even all of it combined will be able to take away the emptiness you feel.
It may mask it for a while, yes, but after the masquerade, there lies the undeniable fact staring you back at the face.
You may think, what gives me the right, in my 21 years of living on earth, to write about these?
Simply this, tonight I met a person who once again reminded me what has been staring me in the face and in this day and time is so commonplace to us all--skepticism, unbelief, doubt, faithlessness.. call it whatever you want, it's still the same.
This person said that she can't believe all that stuff about God being loving and that He cares for each one of us when all she sees in the world, the news, and everything around her says otherwise. She thought God is up there in heaven, we are down here. What's the connection? True, He created us, but we are like playthings for Him. We are none the more valuable than, say, the next accident of creation. She said she can't believe in the Bible, which is a mere book written by men, not any more believable than the fiction next to it on the shelf.
I simply couldn't help it, I shook my head. Her view of God is so skewed, so wrong. How can she let all these affect her view of God's character? The Lord is so full of love for the world that He would willingly send His only Son to die for us (John 3:16). He couldn't bear it that because of men's sins, we are separated from Him and now live this miserable life without any assurance of hope for the future, heck, without any future at all. How can anyone's heart not melt at the grace that was given us? The suffering that was supposed to be ours because of our sins have been placed upon Him, which was why He bled drop after drop of blood. Because of this, my sins have been forgiven and from the moment I accepted Him into my life, I am saved.
Saved by grace. That's what I love to call myself. I now have full assurance of heaven when I die, and even more so, of never being alone in the walk of life as long as I live. God's love leaves me speechless.
I used to be on the same path, bent on destruction, but God's love made a way for me to be whole. I used to be on the same road, chasing after the wind, running and running mirage after mirage in the desert; believing on the lie that if I do this and do that, and if I gain this and gain that, I will be satisfied. His love found me and pursued me when I was still running away, it was unconditional. He didn't wait for me to be a better person, He accepted me JUST AS I AM and loved me when I was still a sinner (Romans 5:8).
Now, I can't say I'm perfect but I want to be changed daily into His image, I want to be able to manifest Him more in my life, and to be able to glorify Him by how I live. I'm not surprised, and you shouldn't be if after you've turned to Him and accepted Him to be your Lord and Savior, your way seems brighter and your burdens seem lighter. Know this, He is carrying you.
~~~~Cast all your cares/anxieties upon Him, for He cares for you.~~~~
I think this has been long enough, if you've managed to keep awake and to read up until this point, then I commend you. It was such a joy to write this, and I wrote with tears streaming down my eyes and with a fervent prayer that this entry move you to run back into the everlasting arms of Your Father. He is waiting for YOU.

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