Monday, March 30, 2015

Hello There

A comeback after 4 years away from my blog..

Lately, we've been preparing our hearts for our coming annual Summer Conference at Pampanga. Topics are on purity and simplicity of heart. Recently, the Lord has been showing me how incredibly wicked and complicated my heart is. No wonder the Bible says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" A lot of things has happened, and through them, I get a glimpse of how evil my heart is. I am constantly amazed that I am not as holy, as pure, or as spiritual as I think. God knows, and He is not the least bit surprised, for He formed this heart, and He does not look at man's outward appearance, He sees through every single façade. Therefore, I come before Him without pretense, and in all humility, cry out, "Lord, save me!"

Songs we sang that personally made an impact on me were:
I Look To You
Heal Our Land
Light The Fire Again
Purify My Heart (Teach Me Your Ways)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Lately, writing is becoming a burden.. both in my journal and in my blog.. it's not writing in itself, I love writing, don't get me wrong.. it's the fact that I can't seem to put my thoughts into words.. confusion sets in.. so i'll end this really short account.. suffice it to say that i am at the moment inept to put my experiences into writing but still i will declare--the Lord has made me glad!